September 2024: dates for your diary

Thursday, 01 August 2024 by Hilda Ball


Sunday 8th September 2024

The EBU National Handicapped Pairs Championship is unique among national EBU events the results are based on scores handicapped by NGS grade, so anyone has the opportunity to do well on the day, regardless of their experience level.


When?          Sunday 8th September. Arrive from 1:30pm for 2pm start.

Cost?             £9 per person including tea/Coffee

How long?    30 boards, 4.5 hours including tea and coffee break after 20 boards

Open to members and non-member pairs.


Click on the button below to register and pay.

Sunday 22nd September 2024

A reminder that the 2nd round of the Curtis cup is being held on the above Sunday.
Details will follow once the sign up sheet is available at the club